
The Week of Miss Arkansas

The week that 47 girls across the entire state had spent lots of time, effort, and money preparing for is already over!! It seems like I blinked and it was gone!! I'll kind of recap the week for those of you that haven't already heard.

Sunday was our formal arrival at the Hot Springs Convention Center. Mrs. June did a fabulous job this year with the arrival ceremony. It is normally at the staircase by Horner Hall, but this year it was set up like a Hollywood feel, red carpet and all! Here is a photo with Miss Arkansas from my arrival.

Miss Arkansas 1981, Micki (Petrus) Konecny choreographed one of the best opening numbers I believe the Miss Arkansas stage has ever seen! Monday and Tuesday morning consisted mainly of perfecting the opening production. Group A had their private interviews with the judges Monday night, Group B (my group) Tuesday afternoon, and Group C Tuesday evening. Interview is the area of competition that I have worked the hardest to prepare for. I must say, that with each interview I have learned a little each time. This is the most nerve-wrecking phase of competition for me, simply because the judges can ask ANYTHING from personal questions to world politics! Although, I left my interview feeling pretty confident, now that we have sat down and reviewed the video I know that it didn't go as well as I had originally thought!

Wednesday was the first day of the onstage competition, so things ran a little differently. Group A was to perform their talent, Group C swimsuit/on-stage question and my group would compete in evening gown. Congratulations to two sweet friends that I made at Miss Arkansas for winning the evening gown preliminary!
Wednesday Night Alpha Winners
Swimsuit- Courtney Welsh, Samantha Hudon
Evening Gown- MaryEllen Hunthrop
Talent- Mary Lacey Thompson

Wednesday Night Overall Winners
Talent- Bethany Whitfield
Swimsuit- Helen Wisner
Evening Gown (tie!)- Tracy Neal, Lauren Howell, Sloane Roberts

Thursday Night was talent for my group, and surprisingly I was worried about this too because I had yet to get my voice back completely! Luckily, I didn't hit any embarrassing notes and made it through my song! Here are the Thursday night winners.

Thrusday Night Alpha Winners-
Swimsuit- Sarah Gafvert
Talent- Brooke Ault
Evening Gown- Samantha Hudon

Thursday Night Overall Winners-
Talent- Brooke Ault
Evening Gown- Morgan Holt
Swimsuit (tie!)- Bethany Whitfield, Sarah Gafvert

Friday was the final night of onstage competition before the top 10 announcement. My group competed in swimsuit. Here are the winners from Friday.

Friday Night Alpha Winners-
Evening Gown- Sarah Gafvert
Swimsuit- Molly Jones
Talent- Abby Lindsey

Friday Night Overall Winners
Talent- Maegan Inzer
Swimsuit- Sloane Roberts
Evening Gown- Sarah Gafvert

Top Ten Announcement was Saturday Night
Congratulations to ten VERY deserving ladies!

And... to one of my favorite contestants who was crowned MISS ARKANSAS 2012!!
I can't wait to support you at Miss America in January! I hope God continues to use you throughout your reign!


Well.. this post is titled "FINALLY" for a number of reasons:
1. I have FINALLY caught up with posting what I feel like are the most important events since my crowning.
2. I am FINALLY ready for Miss Arkansas this week.
3. It is FINALLY time to load everything up and hit the road!!!

I cannot explain to you how much joy I have received from acheiving my goal of winning a local preliminary and competing at the state level! Of course joy hasn't been my only emotion.. there has also been excitement, stress, nervousness, doubt.. you name it and I have probably felt it within the past few weeks! THANKFULLY, I haven't procrastinated for one of the first times ever... and feel pretty prepared for what is to come. Of course... things just don't go that smoothly...

After a long weekend of singing with my family and traveling for pageant preparations.. I was riding home with my mom Sunday evening and I told her my throat was really dry. We just kind of blew it off because a dry throat is nothing to worry about. This kept up all the way til Tuesday and I just thought it was because of the heat and not having enough water so by this point I was taking my huge water jug with me everywhere I went.... including talent practice Tuesday night. It was about 10:30 when I left and this time rather than a dry throat I had a scratchy voice and a really sore throat. Wednesday morning came and I woke up with no voice at all. For someone like me who loves to sing and can basically talk to a brick wall this was a catastrophe!! I had to miss singing with my family for the 4th of July! We always sing on the forth of July, at least we have for as long as I can remember and this time I had to sit out. The day went on and my throat continued to get worse... I went to bed worried sick and hoping that I would wake up the next morning and have my voice back!


Arkansas Children's Hospital/Golf Tournament

Monday, May 21, the contestants were split into groups by their placement and half went to Arkansas Children's Hospital to volunteer and have a tour and the other half worked at the annual golf tournament held for the Miss Arkansas Pageant. The golf tournament is one of the organization's biggest fundraisers and Children's Hospital is a CMN Hospital which we all raise money for as contestants in the Miss America system. Monday was a pretty special day! I am so thankful to have this opportunity to reach out to my community through this organization!

Here are a few photos from the day at the Hospital!

Contestant Orientation

Sunday, May 20, following the photoshoot was Contestant Orientation. It was held at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in Little Rock Arkansas. This was the first time that all of the 2012 local titleholders were together in one place so I was able to make new friends and become much more educated on the Miss Arkansas Scholarship Organization. They announced that this year, because of Kristen's hardwork, each contestant receives a minimum of $250 in scholarships just for qualifying for the state level! Our opening number dresses were also revealed! Tony Bowls and Clark's/The Royal We were so generous to donate the opening number dresses to the contestants this year! I cannot wait to wear the dress that Kristen revealed at the luncheon!! Finally, after reviewing the rules and what the competition week would consist of, eating a wonderful lunch, our dresses being revealed, it was time for the contestant lottery. Each contestant's name is placed in a bowl and Miss Arkansas randomly draws a name then that contestant is to choose their placing for competition. I was so nervous about this simply because I had no strategy behind where I wanted to be placed.. it was simply the luck of the draw! I was chosen about midway through and am now contestant 21B. I will compete in Private Interview Tuesday, Evening Gown Wednesday night, Talent Thursday night, and Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit Friday night.

Preliminary competitions will take place Wednesday (7/11) through Friday (7/13) at 7:30 at the Hot Springs Convention Center. If you are unable to make it to the pageant you can still watch from home! Just go to and click on "Live Streaming!" It is sure to be a show that you will not want to miss!

Group A: Interview- Monday, Talent-Wednesday, Swimsuit-Thursday, Evening Gown-Friday

Group B: Interview-Tuesday, Evening Gown- Wednesday, Talent- Thursday, Swimsuit- Friday

Group C: Interview- Tuesday, Swimsuit- Wednesday, Evening Gown- Thursday, Talent- Friday


Group B (Contestants 16-31) in order

Tony Bowls Photo Shoot!

May 19 all of the Miss Arkansas contestants were invited for a special photoshoot! It was so much fun! Mr. Joel Green made us all beautiful by perfecting our hair/make up and Mr. Jason Masters did a wonderful job of capturing all of our photos! Tony Bowls provided all of our clothing and accessories. He was joking with all of the contestants between our shoots and was really interractive by making sure we were comfortable in our dresses and knew how to pose and look our best in the photo! Here is my chosen photo from the day!

I would like to encourage you to vote for your favorite (hopefully mine)! Each vote is $1 and the contestant with the most votes will be named Tony Bowls/Mon Cheri People's Choice Award's Winner and receive a scholarship on the final night of competition!


Little Rock Christian Acadamey

My Diamond State Princesses, Amy and Darby, attend Little Rock Christian Acadamey. My aunt is also a teacher at LRCA and was a huge help in arranging my visit! We were both a little disappointed when we were told that they were completely booked... For the rest of the YEAR!! I was so eager to speak on my platform, it was just hard to take no for an answer! So my aunt put me in contact with Mr Salmon who is in charge of coordinating the speakers that come to LRCA. The Lord works in mysterious ways because shortly after negotiating with Mr Salmon (yes, negotiating! I wanted to speak *that bad*) we realized that we had already met! Last year I served as an Orientation Leader for ASU and gave his daughter a private tour! Apparently it was a good tour because Mr Salmon pulled a few strings and I was able to speak at the high school AND fourth grade!! What an answered prayer and another irreplaceable experience! A little determination can get you a long way! ;)

My support group for the day minus Aunt Karen! Andy, Haley, and my two Diamond State Princesses, Amy and Darby!

I was able to share my Pawpaw's story with both groups. The fourth grade had been studying the body and was really interested to hear the effects tobacco can have on it. They loved my crown and of course they wanted to know what my talent was! I think they were expecting a concert when I told them I was planning to sing for my Miss Arkansas talent. There were a few girls who wanted to sing with me so I invited them to stand by me and let them choose the song, The Star Spangled Banner. By the end of the song everyone in the room was singing along! Their excitement and eagerness to hear what I had to say reminded me again why I chose Early Childhood Education as a career path.

A few of the sweetest 4th grade singers I've ever sang with!

I spoke to the high school just before the fourth grade. I was a little nervous about this just because they could either love what I had to say... or hate it. Honestly, this was my favorite group to speak to! They were so interractive and made it so much fun for me to share my platform with them! I focused more on respecting yourself and your body when speaking to them and they LOVED it! I think it is important for teenagers to understand that they don't have to dress a certain way or do a certain thing to be accepted. If they will respect themselves then that will cause their peers to want to respect them in return. One of the slides I showed read "Keep Calm and Stay Classy!" My aunt said they were quoting that for days after I spoke. It was a great feeling knowing that I made that kind of an impact on such a large group of students. Another quote from a slide I used I actually found on a  LRCA Student's facebook status. It read "The man of God is the one who resists lust. The woman of God is the one who helps him fight the battle." Reading this even hit me hard.. to know that a high school student realized it and was brave enough to post for his friends to see! (And let me read it to those who didn't get to!) I loved speaking at LRCA simply because I was able to brag on everything God has done in my life and is still doing!! My favorite part was having the opportunity to challenge over 600 students that day in their walk with the Lord. If I walk away with nothing at the Miss Arkansas pageant next week, I will not walk away empty handed because I know that I have impacted the lives of many students just by having this opportunity! God is good... ALL the time!


Princess Day!

In a way my last post from Nettleton Middle School foreshadowed the events to come. I ended that blog saying "Nettleton Middle School made me feel like a princess! I could definitely get used to this lifestyle! ;)"
Easter Weekend I hosted a Princess day event at Haute Pink Hair Studio! My younger cousins, Amy and Darby, are my Diamond State Princesses this year, and I wanted to give them a little taste of what I was getting to experience. Amy was unable to attend but Darby came to Jonesboro (they are from Little Rock)to help host my princess day event!

Girls from around Jonesboro were invited to wear their princess attire to be treated like royalty! Most dressed as their favorite Disney Princess and then were able to be pampered by the stylists as they received top of the notch treatment on their hair, makeup and nails! To top it all off we gave them what they were all hoping for... Their princess crown! I am not sure what girl wouldn't love this kind of treatment! Darby and I enjoyed our day as most of the little girls thought we were "real, live, princesses!"

A *HUGE* thank you to Haute Pink Hair Studio, my mom for taking pictures, my aunt for bringing Darby to town, and of course the princesses who made this event possible!!

Nettleton Middle School: Health Improvement Walk

Nettleton Middle School consists of strictly 6th grade students. Mrs Gribble, of Nettleton, found another opportunity for me to speak on my platform here! The first week of April, (4/2-4/6) the Nettleton 6th grade decided to really study how to get healthy and stay healthy. All week they focused on different areas of the body by learning the good things and bad things you can do for them! They learned that physical exercise is one of the best things to do to stay healthy and wanted to have a "Health Improvement Walk" and walk a mile to prove that they pledge as a school to get healthy, and remain healthy.

I was fortunate enough to be asked to "kick off" the walk by sharing my platform and applauding the 6th graders for their decision! Region 8 News came to broadcast the event. I was interviewed before speaking and clips aired on the 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock evening news! The students of NMS made me feel like a princess! I could definitely get used to this lifestyle! ;)

Nettleton High School

My platform, when crowned Miss Crowley's Ridge, was "Save Your Lungs, Save Your Life." It was inspired by my Pawpaw who began smoking when he was 13 years old and that decision not only effected the rest of his life but the generations in our family to come as well.
I graduated from Nettleton High School in 2010 and when given the opportunity to speak on my platform at Nettleton I couldn't help but to be ecstatic! I witnessed first hand the battle that students at Nettleton faught with using tobacco. I could not wait to speak and what better place to do so than my alma mater?!
I spoke to roughly 600 students that day on the harmful effects of tobacco and how decisions made when you're young can and will follow you throughout the rest of your life. I didn't take into consideration that the group of seniors that I would be speaking to were sophomores when I was a senior... which means we walked the same halls going to class together! I think it was a little different for them to see me as an adult/authority figure demanding the attention of the entire Nettleton High School, rather than just another student to walk the halls! It was a learning experience for me and hopefully Nettleton as well. I have been blessed with many supporters throughout my journey to Miss Arkansas and I am lucky to call Nettleton Public Schools one of them! Thank you for inviting me to speak and giving me an irreplacable opportunity!

Spring Break!

Most college students go on extravagant adventures in another country for spring break... not me! I am on an adventure alright, but right here in the great state of Arkansas! With a week off from school I was able to use it to my advantage and get some major preparations done for Miss Arkansas including my headshots! Ashley George with Creative Touch Photography took my Miss Arkansas head shots and did a fantastic job!! Here is one we chose for the program book at Miss Arkansas!

CMN Fundraisers!

February 28, 2012 was National Pancake Day at IHOP! This was my first CMN Fundraising experience as a titleholder! It was so much fun visiting with everyone and taking donations for CMN Hospitals!

Sweet Hallie came to eat pancakes and is one of the many children impacted by the money we raise for CMN! After speaking with Hallie and her family, I truly understood the image that Hallie sees of titleholders that help make her life a little easier. She was such a joy to be around!

Day of Service: Jonesboro's FOA 5k

ASU really encouraged the students to volunteer this past Spring semester! As a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, I have been taught the importance of giving back to my community. I am greatful to ASU for providing this opportunity for not only me but also ΑΓΔ, ASU and everyone in NEA. It was *freezing* and the earliest I had been up in a while, but it was very rewarding to see the community pull together and volunteer for the cause.
Taking a break from volunteering to pose for a picture!


Right about a month after winning my title, I was asked to judge the Miss BIC, school pageant, in Monette, AR. Thankfully the only area of competition was evening gown because I have NEVER before judged a pageant! Miss ASU and Miss Batesville were asked to judge the pageant as well. It was Monday and Tuesday night and it was much harder for me being on the other side of things! I feel sorry for the Miss Arkansas judges as they judge 47 of Arkansas' best July 7-14!

The first night of judging! (Chelsea and Norma were first time judges too!)

Night two! A little more comfortable at the judges table this time!

Miss ASU 2012

February 15 was the annual Miss Arkansas State University pageant. I was originally nominated to compete for the  title and represent the gentlemen of Kappa Alpha Order. However, the Lord had other plans for me and I won my title just 12 days before the competition! So instead of competing, I was asked to be a guest of honor and entertain between the phases of competition! Shelley Kelley of Clark's Bridal and Formal in Jonesboro gave me such a fun gown to wear as I performed and was recognized in front of my student body as Miss Crowley's Ridge. Miss ASU was a wonderful pageant and I was honored to be a part of the show!
Being introduced in this wonderful gown from Clark's Bridal and Formal to sing the song that won me my title: "Break It To Me Gently"

Miss ASU was crowned and put in the books for another ΑΓΔ win! This is one of my favorite photos from the night!
Thanks to ASU's Herald for recognizing our accomplishments as well! Miss ASU 2011 and Miss AR, USA 2012 Kelsey Dow (ΑΓΔ) crowned Miss ASU 2012, Chelsea Treadway (ΑΓΔ) The caption in the paper read: "Hott GAM, They did it AGAIN!"

Congratulations to Chelsea! I am excited to compete on the Miss Arkansas stage with you in July!

Triple FM Radio Group: "Make-A-Wish-Radiothon!"

My first appearance as Miss Crowley's Ridge was at the "Make-A-Wish-Radiothon" with the Triple FM Radio Group of Jonesboro! I was so excited to show off my crown for the first time! Other local titleholders and volunteers joined together in making this event sucessful. This was the "9th Annual Wish-A-Thon." Over the past nine years, this event has granted over 150 wishes! It was such an honor to be a small part in it this year!

Posing with the local titleholders that served as volunteers.TOP (left to right): Miss AR, USA - Kelsey Dow (who is letting a wish receiver wear her crown!), Miss Batesville - Norma Lopez, Miss Greater Jonesboro's Outstanding Teen - Sierra GortonBottom: Miss Greater Jonesboro's Outstanding Teen 2010 - Sarah Hamilton, Miss Greater Jonesboro 2011 - Natalie Marcus

Miss Crowley's Ridge 2012

I'm a little late on posting.. but I thought this would be a good way for family and friends to keep up with my journey to Miss Arkansas next week! BUT first, I am going to backtrack a little bit so those of you reading this really understand that being a part of the Miss America Organization is much more than looking pretty and getting to wear a crown on your head.

February 4, 2012 I was announced as Miss Crowley's Ridge 2012! This was my 6th preliminary to compete in and 4th for the 2012 competition year! Bethany Bell, who is now Miss Greater Jonesboro, crowned me that night. Here is a picture of my crowning moment!

So excited to have finally won the title!

Left to Right: Ashley Williams (1st Runner Up), *Miss Crowley's Ridge 2012!*, Bethany Bell (Miss Greater Jonesboro 2012), Danielle Hicks (2nd Runner Up)

Like I said earlier, being a part of MAO is much more than looking pretty and having a crown on your head. MAO is the largest scholarship provider of women across the country, and they want a very well-rouded woman to give their scholarships to. With each competition we compete in Private Interview, On-Stage Interview/Question, Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit, Talent and Evening Gown.

On-Stage Question/Interview 

Out of ALL the areas of competition, this is where my tiny butterflies turn into dinosours!!

Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit

Talent: Vocal- "Break It To Me Gently"

Most of you know that I have been singing long before competing in the MAO. I love performing my songs,;easily making this my favorite area of competition! (I am really looking forward to the piece I have been working on for State!)

Evening Gown

I LOVE wearing red and felt like a million bucks in this gorgeous gown!

Posing after the crowning with my new director, Mrs. Peggy Smart, and Miss Crowley's Ridge Outstanding Teen, Kelly Welsh.