
Nettleton High School

My platform, when crowned Miss Crowley's Ridge, was "Save Your Lungs, Save Your Life." It was inspired by my Pawpaw who began smoking when he was 13 years old and that decision not only effected the rest of his life but the generations in our family to come as well.
I graduated from Nettleton High School in 2010 and when given the opportunity to speak on my platform at Nettleton I couldn't help but to be ecstatic! I witnessed first hand the battle that students at Nettleton faught with using tobacco. I could not wait to speak and what better place to do so than my alma mater?!
I spoke to roughly 600 students that day on the harmful effects of tobacco and how decisions made when you're young can and will follow you throughout the rest of your life. I didn't take into consideration that the group of seniors that I would be speaking to were sophomores when I was a senior... which means we walked the same halls going to class together! I think it was a little different for them to see me as an adult/authority figure demanding the attention of the entire Nettleton High School, rather than just another student to walk the halls! It was a learning experience for me and hopefully Nettleton as well. I have been blessed with many supporters throughout my journey to Miss Arkansas and I am lucky to call Nettleton Public Schools one of them! Thank you for inviting me to speak and giving me an irreplacable opportunity!

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